General legal rules:
There is no crime and no punishment except with a text
* No will for an heir
* If the evidence deals with probability, the inference is corrupted
* Ownership does not transfer without registration
* The truth that has no evidence, is the same and nothingness
* Doubt is explained in favor of the accused
* Do not leave it until after the debt is paid
* The evidence on the accuser
* Investigations are only indicative of my opinion
* It is not permissible for the judge to rule in more than what the litigants have requested.
* The exception may not be measured or expanded in the field of its application.
* The general principle in contracting is that a person contracts in his name and for himself.
* The origin of the human being is innocence.
* What is built on falsehood is false
* Possession in the movable title deed.
* Judgment is based on assertion and certainty, not on conjecture and guesswork
* No harm, no harm
* The stabbing person is not harmed
* Contract Shariah of contractors
* Criminal restricts civil
* It is not permissible to prove anything contrary to writing except by writing
* Every act that causes harm to others requires the perpetrator to make compensation
_ For more information and free legal advice through the phone number (0096550424375)
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