Compensation and work injuries according to the Kuwaiti Labor Law
(Article 66)
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor prepares a statement of occupational diseases and industries with the work that causes them, and new occupational diseases may be added to the statement.
(Article 65)
If a worker is injured in an accident due to and during the work - or those who are entitled to it after it - the right to compensation for the injury according to the schedule issued by a decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and Labor in implementation of this article, provided that he is not entitled to compensation if it is proven from the investigation:
A - that the worker had intentionally injured himself.
B - If the injury occurred due to obscene and intentional misconduct on the part of the worker.
This is if the injury did not result in the death of the worker or permanent disability exceeding 25% of the total disability.
(Article 68)
The liability of the former employers of the last employer for whom the injured worker works is determined in the light of the medical report of the attending physician, and they are obligated to pay compensation each in proportion to the period the worker spent in his service.
In the application of the provisions of this article, the industries and professions they practice must be of the source of the disease with which the worker is infected.
(Article 61)
If the worker is injured in an accident due to and during the work, the employer must report the accident immediately to:
A - The police station located in the jurisdiction of the workplace.
B - The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor or one of its branches located in the area of his jurisdiction where the work is located, and it is permissible for the worker to submit this notification if his situation permits.
(Article 62)
The report must include the name of the business, its profession, address and nationality, with a brief description of the accident and the measures taken to aid or treat it.
(Article 63)
The injured worker has the right to be treated in a government hospital or private treatment center as the employer deems fit, and the treating doctor may specify in his medical report the period of treatment and disability left from the injury and his ability to continue to work. If there is a dispute in this regard, the matter is referred to the Ministry of Public Health for arbitration. And her opinion is final. The employer is liable for the full treatment expenses, including medicine and transportation.
(Article 64)
The injured worker shall receive his wages in full for the duration of the treatment specified by the doctor, and if the treatment period exceeds six months, he shall be paid half the wage only until he is cured, his disability is proven, or he dies.
(Article 67)
If a worker suffers from one of the diseases mentioned in the statement or if symptoms of one of them appear on him, the provisions of Articles 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 of this law shall apply to him.
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