Chapter IV
the authorities
Chapter Three: The Legislative Authority
Article 79
No law shall be issued unless it is approved by the National Assembly and approved by the Emir.
Article 80
The National Assembly consists of fifty members who are elected by means of direct, secret, general election in accordance with the provisions specified in the election law. Ministers not elected in the National Assembly are considered members of this Assembly by virtue of their functions.
Article 81
Electoral districts are defined by law.
Article 82
A member of the National Assembly must:
1- He must be of Kuwaiti nationality in origin in accordance with the law.
2- He must fulfill the voter requirements according to the election law.
3- His age on the day of the election should not be less than thirty years of the Gregorian calendar.
4- To be able to read and write Arabic.
Article 83
The term of the National Assembly is four Gregorian years from the date of its first meeting, and renewal takes place within the sixty days preceding the end of that period, subject to the provision of Article 107.
Members whose term of office expires may be re-elected. The legislative term may not be extended except in cases of necessity, and this extension shall be by law.
Article 84
If the place of a member of the National Assembly becomes vacant before the end of his term, for any reason, his replacement shall be elected within two months of the date of the announcement of this vacancy by the Council, and the term of the new member shall be until the end of the term of his predecessor.
If the vacancy occurs within the six months preceding the end of the legislative season of the Council, no replacement member shall be elected.
Article 85
The National Assembly has an annual session of not less than eight months, and this session may not be closed before the budget is approved.
Article 86
The council holds its regular session at the invitation of the Emir during the month of October every year. And if the convocation decree was not issued before the beginning of the aforementioned month, the date of the meeting shall be deemed nine o'clock in the morning on the third Saturday of that month. If this day coincides with an official holiday, the Council shall meet on the morning of the first day following that holiday.
Article 87
As an exception to the provisions of the two previous articles, the Emir calls for the National Assembly for the first meeting following the general elections for the Council within two weeks of the end of those elections, and if the convocation decree is not issued during that period, the Assembly will be considered invited to meet on the morning of the day following the two aforementioned weeks, taking into account the provision of the previous article.
If the date of the assembly in this session was later than the annual date stipulated in Article 86 of the Constitution, the term of session stipulated in Article 85 shall be reduced by the difference between the two aforementioned dates.
Article 88
The National Assembly shall be called, by decree, to an extraordinary meeting if the Emir deems it necessary, or upon the request of the majority of the members of the Assembly.
In an extraordinary session, the Assembly may not consider matters other than those for which it was called except with the approval of the Ministry.
Article 89
The Prince announces the dismissal of the ordinary and extraordinary meeting roles.
Article 90
Every meeting held by the Council at a time or place other than the scheduled time for its meeting is null, and decisions issued in it are null and void by law.
Article 91
Before a member of the National Assembly takes up his duties in the Council or its committees, he shall take the following oath before the Assembly in an open session:
"I swear by God Almighty to be loyal to the homeland and the Emir, to respect the constitution and the state's laws, defend the people's freedoms, interests and money, and perform my duties with honesty and truthfulness."
Article 92
The National Assembly shall choose in its first session, and for a similar term, a speaker and a vice president from among its members, and if the seat of any of them becomes vacant, the Assembly chooses whoever will replace him until the end of its term.
In all cases, the election shall be by an absolute majority of those present, and if this majority is not achieved the first time, the election shall be repeated between the two who possess the most votes, and if the second of them is equal in the number of votes, he shall participate with them in the election of the second time, and the election in this case shall be by the relative majority. If more than one person obtains the relative majority, the choice between them shall be by lot.
The oldest member will chair the first session until the president is elected.
Article 93
During the first week of its annual meeting, the council forms the committees necessary for its work, and these committees may exercise their powers during the council's holiday in preparation for presenting them to it when it meets.
Article 94
The National Assembly sessions are public and may be held in secret upon the request of the government, the speaker of the council, or ten members, and the discussion of the request shall be in a secret session.
Article 95
The National Assembly decides on the validity of the election of its members, and the election is not considered null except by the majority of the members that make up the Council. A law may entrust this jurisdiction to a judicial body.
Article 96
The National Assembly is the competent authority to accept the resignation of its membership.
Article 97
For the National Assembly meeting to be valid, more than half of its members must be present. Decisions are issued by an absolute majority of the members present, except in cases where a special majority is required.
When votes are equal, the matter in question shall be considered rejected.
Article 98
Each ministry, upon its formation, submits its program to the National Assembly, and the Council may make any observations it deems appropriate regarding this program.
Article 99
Every member of the National Assembly may direct questions to the Prime Minister and to the ministers to clarify matters falling within their competence, and the questioner alone has the right to comment once on the answer.
Article 100
Every member of the National Assembly may direct to the Prime Minister and to the ministers inquiries about matters falling within their competencies.
The discussion of the interpellation shall not take place until at least eight days after the day it was presented, and that is not in case of urgency and with the approval of the Minister.
Subject to the provisions of Articles 101 and 102 of the Constitution, an interpellation may lead to the issue of confidence being brought up to the Assembly.
Article 101
Every minister is responsible to the National Assembly for the work of his ministry, and if the parliament decides not to trust one of the ministers, he is considered to have retired from the ministry from the date of the no-confidence decision and submits his resignation immediately. . The council may not issue its decision on the request before seven days of its submission.
The withdrawal of confidence from the minister shall be made by the majority of the members who make up the council, with the exception of ministers. Ministers do not participate in the vote of confidence.
Article 102
The Prime Minister does not assume any ministry, and the issue of confidence in him is not raised in Parliament.
Nevertheless, if the National Assembly considers in the manner stipulated in the previous article that it is not possible to cooperate with the Prime Minister, then the matter is referred to the Head of State, and the Emir in this case may dismiss the Prime Minister and appoint a new Cabinet, or dissolve the National Assembly.
In the event of dissolution, if the new council decides by the same majority not to cooperate with the aforementioned prime minister, he shall be deemed to have resigned from the date of the council’s decision in this regard, and a new cabinet shall be formed.
Article 103
If the Prime Minister or the Minister vacates his position for any reason, he shall continue to discharge the urgent matter of his position until his successor is appointed.
Article 104
The Emir opens the annual session of the National Assembly and delivers an Emiri speech in which he includes an explanation of the country’s conditions, the most important public affairs that took place during the past year, and what the government intends to undertake in terms of projects and reforms during the new year.
The Emir may deputize for him in opening or delivering the Emiri speech by the Prime Minister.
Article 105
The National Assembly chooses a committee from among its members to prepare a draft answer to the Emiri speech, including the council’s observations and wishes, and after its approval by the council, it is submitted to the Emir.
Article 106
The Emir may, by decree, postpone the meeting of the National Assembly for a period not exceeding one month, and the postponement is not repeated in a single session except with the approval of the Council and for one period, and the period of postponement is not calculated within the term of the session.
Article 107
The Emir may dissolve the National Assembly by decree stating the reasons for the dissolution, provided that it is not permissible to dissolve the Assembly for the same reasons again.
If the council is dissolved, elections for the new council must be held within a period not exceeding two months from the date of the dissolution.
If elections do not take place during that period, the dissolved parliament will regain its full constitutional authority and meet immediately as if there was no solution, and continue its work until the new council is elected.
Article 108
A council member represents the entire nation and takes care of the public interest, and no body has authority over him in his work in the council or its committees.
Article 109
A member of the National Assembly has the right to propose laws.
Every draft law proposed by a member and rejected by Parliament may not be presented again in the same session.
Article 110
A member of the National Assembly is free in the opinions and ideas he expresses in the council or its committees, and it is not permissible to blame him for that in any case.
Article 111
It is not permissible during the session, other than in the case of a flagrant crime, to take investigation, search, arrest, imprisonment or any other penal action against the member without the permission of the Council, and the Council must be notified of any criminal measures that may be taken during its session in the previous manner.
He must also be notified always in his first meeting of any action taken in his absence against any of its members, and in all cases if the Council does not issue its decision to request permission within a month from the date of its arrival, this shall be deemed as permission.
Article 112
Based on a request signed by five members, a public issue may be brought up to the National Assembly for discussion in order to clarify the government's policy regarding it and to exchange opinions regarding it. Other members have the right to participate in the discussion.
Article 113
The National Assembly may express the government's desires in public matters, and if the government is unable to accept these desires, it must explain to the Council the reasons for this, and the Assembly may comment once on the government's statement.
Article 114
The National Assembly has the right at all times to set up investigation committees or delegate one or more of its members to investigate any matter within the jurisdiction of the parliament, and the ministers and all state employees must submit certificates, documents and data that are requested from them.
Article 115
The council forms within its annual committees a special committee to examine the petitions and complaints that citizens send to the council, and the committee inquires the matter from the competent authorities, and informs the concerned person of the result.
A member of Parliament may not interfere in the work of either the judicial or executive authorities.
Article 116
The Prime Minister and the ministers are heard in the National Assembly whenever they request to speak, and they have the right to seek the assistance of whom they want from senior officials or delegate them on their behalf, and the Council may request the presence of the competent minister when discussing a matter related to his ministry. The ministry must be represented in the council’s sessions by its president or some of its members.
Article 117
The National Assembly sets its bylaws, including the system of work in the Council and its committees, the principles of debate, voting, questioning and interrogation, and all the powers stipulated in the constitution. The internal regulations indicate the penalties for a member violating order or failing to attend council or committee sessions without a legitimate excuse.
Article 118
Maintaining order within the National Assembly is the prerogative of its president. The council shall have a special guard who orders the head of the council.
It is not permissible for any other armed force to enter the Council or settle near its gates without the request of its Chairman.
Article 119
A law shall determine the remuneration of the Speaker of Parliament, his deputy, and its members.
In the event that these bonuses are modified, this amendment shall not be implemented except in the next legislative chapter.
Article 120
It is not permissible to combine membership in the National Assembly and assuming public office, except in cases in which it is permissible to combine membership in accordance with the constitution, and in these cases it is not permissible to combine membership remuneration and job salaries.
The law specifies other cases of non-collection.
Article 121
It is not permissible for a member of the National Assembly during the period of his membership to be appointed to the board of directors of a company or to participate in commitments made by the government or public institutions.
It is not permissible for him, during that period, to buy or rent money from the state’s money, lease it, sell any of his money, or barter for it, unless that is by means of public auctioning or bidding, or by applying the compulsory appropriation system.
Article 122
Members of Parliament are not awarded medals during their membership period, with the exception of a member who occupies a public office that does not contradict the membership of Parliament.
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