The second chapter
The basic constituents of Kuwaiti society
Article 7
Justice, freedom and equality are the pillars of society, and cooperation and compassion are the strongest bonds between citizens.
Article 8
The state safeguards the pillars of society and guarantees security, tranquility and equal opportunities for citizens.
Article 9
The family is the basis of society, and it is based on religion, morals and love of the homeland. The law preserves its existence, strengthens its ties, and under it protects motherhood and childhood.
Article 10
The state sponsors young people and protects them from exploitation and against moral, physical and spiritual neglect.
Article 11
The state guarantees aid to citizens in old age, sickness, or inability to work. It also provides them with social insurance services, social aid and health care.
Article 12
The state preserves the Islamic and Arab heritage and contributes to the advancement of human civilization.
Article 13
Education is an essential pillar for the advancement of society, guaranteed and sponsored by the state.
Article 14
The state sponsors science, literature and the arts, and encourages scientific research.
Article 15
The state cares for public health and means of prevention and treatment of diseases and epidemics.
Article 16
Ownership, capital, and work are basic components of the social entity of the state and the national wealth. They are all individual rights with a social function regulated by law.
Article 17
Public funds are inviolable, and protecting it is the duty of every citizen.
Article 18
Private property is safeguarded, so no one is prevented from disposing of his property except within the limits of the law, and no one is forfeited from his property except because of the public benefit in the cases set forth in the law, and in the manner stipulated therein, and on the condition that he be compensated fairly.
Inheritance is a right governed by Islamic law .
Article 19
General confiscation of property is prohibited, and the penalty for private confiscation is only by a court ruling, in the cases specified by law.
Article 20
The national economy is based on social justice, and its basis is fair cooperation between public and private activity, and its goal is to achieve economic development, increase production, raise the standard of living and achieve prosperity for citizens, all within the limits of the law.
Article 21
All natural resources and all their resources are the property of the state. It is based on their preservation and proper exploitation, taking into account the requirements of the security of the state and its national economy.
Article 22
The law regulates, on economic grounds, taking into account the rules of social justice, the relationship between workers and employers, and the relationship of property owners and tenants.
Article 23
The state shall encourage cooperation and savings, and supervise the regulation of credit.
Article 24
Social justice is the basis for taxes and public costs.
Article 25
The state guarantees community solidarity in bearing the burdens arising from public disasters and ordeals, and compensation for those affected by war damage or as a result of performing their military duties.
Article 26
Public jobs are a national service entrusted to those who hold them. State employees, in performing their duties, target the public interest.
Foreigners shall not assume public positions except in the cases specified by law.
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