Family court cases (divorce for damages - alimony - custody proof - vision - obedience)
We will clarify the rights of both the husband and the wife, and what are the issues that either and from them are filed, as follows
Among the rights of the wife: -
- "Divorce", as if there are any problems between the husband and the wife, and the wife wants to divorce, then she has the right to file a divorce case for harm while preserving all of her financial and legal rights that the law granted them ..
- "Alimony" and also has the right to file an alimony case for the husband's claim for marital alimony as well as the children's alimony, with the husband bearing all the monthly expenses of the children and the wife from school expenses, the obligatory expenses of the children and their needs, the rent of the house, the maid, the driver, and the expenses of bringing the servant and the driver, so the demands of alimony for the wife and her children are many and also This is an inherent right of the wife, and the husband must take into account the spending on his family, even after the divorce ...
- "Proof of custody" and also filing a lawsuit for proof of custody of children, where the mother is entitled to custody of her children, and this is inherent to her. She can also transfer their residency to her if she wants and transfer their schools and travel with her ..
- And one of the husband's rights - "obedience" in the event that the wife leaves the marital home without the husband's knowledge, the husband has the right to file an obedience lawsuit to compel the wife to enter into obedience to the husband and return to the marital home
- "Revoking custody" The husband also has the right to drop the mother's custody if the wife remarries after divorce from him, or if he notices a lack of care for the mother for her children or a lack of interest in what he fears for the children and it may be that he harms the children with evidence and real evidence and evidence for him to drop custody The children are in his favor, and the husband maintains custody.
- "The vision" The husband has the right to see his children and to file a vision lawsuit in order to see his children every week for a day with overnight stays or two days, according to the discretion of the subject judge. This is an inherent right of the husband to see his children and it is his well-established and proven rights ..
- "Divorce for harm" also the husband has the right to file a lawsuit for divorce for harm from the wife in the event that there is a failure of the wife in his legal rights, whatever the divorce, without bearing from her financial rights and without compensation ..
- That is why everyone who has a family problem and wants to file a lawsuit in the court or already has a case pending before the court must only contact us on the number "0096550424375" - "With us you will not lose your right" - Free legal advice on the number "0096550424375"
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