The difference between khula and divorce for harm
The difference between khula and divorce for harm and the effect of each of them on the rights of the wife and inheritance - khula has no reason like the case for divorce due to harm, except that the wife states that she is afraid not to establish the limits of God, and the rights that are included in the khula, which are waived (alimony, maintenance, waiting, and back) and the wife is obligated to return The dowry presented with the marriage document or the husband can prove it with the testimony of witnesses before the court that examines the divorce. - The wife does not waive in khula except for the rights that are legally proven to her before or after the khula, such as pleasure or waiting period, and khula 'is his ruling.
It is final, and the appeal is not accepted in any way. Khula and its impact on the expense of young children and custody:
- Likewise, khula does not include any of the rights of children, such as maintenance or the right to custody, and it does not prevent the father from seeing his children, and it does not prevent the right to wages because it is proven after the divorce and was not present before it to be included in khula. The effect of Khula 'on inheritance:
There is no inheritance of the iddat from a permanent divorce, except if the divorce was without her will, and the divorce took place in the disease of death (Article 11/3 of Law No. 77 of 1943) and the divorced person died in this disease while she was in his waiting period, and that would be a response to him with a bad intention. Khula is a permanent divorce:
Khula is an irrevocable divorce that takes place with the will and consent of the wife, and whether the death was during the waiting period or not? Neither of them inherits the other, because the kit is not here for either of them to think of taking back or not? , But to heal the uterus after the separation of the marital veins, through the khula, which is considered irreversible. It is not permissible to appeal the ruling on divorce by khula ':
The ruling on divorce by khula is final and cannot be challenged in any way, even by appeal. As for divorce due to harm, the wife is obligated to prove the harm because it is a lawsuit that must have a cause, and divorce for harm does not waive any of the rights of the wife who is forfeited by khula, and it is permissible to appeal against it by appeal and not to be challenged by cassation.
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