Learn about the hearing minutes and how to prove your defenses
The hearing minutes is the document in which you record all of your defenses, requests, legal responses, witness testimonies, and more.
Meaning, if you have any fundamental defenses or requests to stick to, you must do one of two things:
Either you submit it in a memorandum (petition) or verbally confirm it in the session minutes
Sometimes the judge forbids the lawyer to prove his defenses, under the pretext that the defenses are large and the number of cases are many !!
In this case, take your mind with me from this point in particular, if you have a substantial defense, and there is no petition, or if your opponent has decided on a specific need before the court, then you must stick to the proof of the acknowledgment or defense, no matter what the judge tried to prevent you, otherwise you must refuse the pleading So that you make him write your refusal in the record and make him mention the reason for the rejection
Because if you do not prove your defense or what is important to you from the words and words of the opponent in the record at this moment, do not blame anyone but yourself!
Because you will come before the Court of Appeal or Cassation, and say that the judge is the one who refrained from writing in the record !!!
So the court will answer you that it has no relationship and that it deals with what is apparent before it ??
Because the Court of Appeal considers that everything in the session minutes is true, unless it is proven to be forgery
In the event that you need to prove a specific defense in the record of the session, the judge refused.
Inform the judge: If you do not prove the payment at this initial stage of litigation, we will not be able to prove it before the Court of Appeal.
The Court of Cassation said:
"The fact that the session minutes are not proof of the opponent’s defense is not a defect, and he must explicitly request the court to prove what interests him in the record. If the litigant claims that the court has confiscated his right to defend before the case is booked for judgment, he must present evidence of that, and he must record this violation in a request Written before judgment
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